Illustrations at Indiegogo

In my role at Indiegogo, I was responsible for developing an icon and illustration style. I created a core style and expanded upon it based on a project's needs.

Isometric Illustrations

I used the core illustration style and brought it to 3D life with these isometric illustrations.

Generosity by Indiegogo

Indiegogo split their platform, moving personal cause campaigns to a new platform named Generosity. I created these illustrations for the new site.

Crowdfunding and Marketplace

The crowdfunding robot and the marketplace robot. These illustrations were designed to help tell the story of these two different offerings on Indiegogo.

Disbursement Empty States

I drew this set as options for an empty state on the platform. When a campaigner is in the campaign editor and they haven't received a disbursement yet, they would see an illustration as a placeholder.

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